И пусть судьба не справедлива! Но жизнь игра, играй красиво!
Решила оставить себе клип, с лёгкой подачи pthah.
словаKlingon Style
qavan raHtar. be' 'IHqu' SoH. Qapla' jay'! Ha'
Kha-vaan rach-tar. Beh ich'khoo soch ka-plaa' jaay, chaa
I salute you, woman. You are a very pretty woman. F*cking success. Let's go!
'Iw HIq Datlhutlh. SoH qalegh. Qut, Qut. QeDpIn be' je. maw'.
Eeww hreek da-tlootl. Schoch ka-lerrh. Khroot, khroot. Kedepin beh jeh. Mao.
You drink bloodwine. I see you. Dirty. Dirty. Science officer and lady. Crazy.
nughoStaH nuq? parmaq, manga'chuq. Qut Ha' maruch
nu-hrrosh-tach nook. par-maak, maa-ngaat-schook. Khroot, hraa, maa-rootsch.
What is coming toward us? Romance and sex. Dirty. Let's go. Let's do this!
qaleghneS. Qapla' jay'!. Qut Ha' maruch.
ka-lerrj-he-nes ko-plah jay khroot ha' maa-rootsch
I am honored to see you. F*cking success. Dirty. Let's go. Yes.
wa' cha' parmaq Qapla'!
wha cha par-mach ko-plah!
One two romance success
tIqwIj Sa'angnIS wa' cha' parmaq Qapla'!
tick-widge sha-ang-neesh wha cha par-mach ko-plah
I must show you my heart. One two romance success.
tachDaq maghom. tugh. tugh wa' cha' parmaq Qapla'!
TACH-dak ma-GHOM toogh. toogh wha cha par-mach ko-plah
We will meet in the cocktail lounge. Soon soon. One two romance success
parmaq Qapla'!
par-mach ko-plah
Romance success.
Ha', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu'!
cha, ni-teb-cha ro-oo-loosch-ngan-poo
Let's kill some Romulans
HIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY
Hee-ja DIHoH Hey gobay eh no hey
Yes Together Hey Let's go No Hey
Ha', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu'
cha, ni-teb-cha ro-oo-loosch-ngan-poo di-choch
Let's kill some Romulans together
HIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY
Hee-ja DIHoH Hey gobay eh no hey
Yes Together Hey Let's go No Hey
maSwov, 'ejDo, parmaq, manga'chuq, eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! Qapla'!
ma-swov. edge-do. par-mach je gna-chuck eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Ko-plah!
Moonlight, starship, romance, and sex. Ready, ready, ready, ready, ready. Success!
Oppan Klingon Style
Klingon Style
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Klingon Style
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op
Eh eh eh eh eh eh
tujqu'choH QuQ. Hljol. jIghung. Ha' maruch
Tooj-koo-chokh-kkhokk khi-JOL. jee-kun.g Ha' ma-rootsch
The engine is overheating. Beam me aboard. I'm hungry. Let's go. Let's do this!
jISey. chabDu'. ghem. 'ejyo'. Sa'Hut, qamuSHa', HIja
Jee-Say. Chab-du. ghem. Edge-yo sa-hut kam-moo-sha hee-jah
I am excited. Breasts. Midnight snack. Starfleet. Buttocks. I love you. Yes.
yIH yIlIgh, be' yIH yIlIgh. yIruch!
yiich yee-leehrr, be. yiich yee-leehrr. yee-rootsch!
Ride that tribble, lady. Ride that tribble. Do it!
wa' cha' parmaq Qapla'!
wha cha par-mach ko-plah!
One two romance success!
bIjatlh 'e' yImev. yItlhutlh! yIlop! wa'leS chaq maHegh!
bil-lath eh ill-mev ill-thulth ill-op wal-esh check ma-chkeck
Stop talking. Drink. Celebrate! Tomorrow we may die.
yItlhutlh! yIlop! Qut Qapla' jay'!. Qut Ha' Qapla'
ill-thulth ill-op khroot ko-plah jay khroot ha' ko-plah
Celebrate. Dirty. F*cking success. Dirty. Let's go. Success
yIH yIlIgh, be' yIH yIlIgh. yIruch!
yiich yee-leehrr, be. yiich yee-leehrr. yee-rootsch!
Ride that tribble, lady. Ride that tribble. Do it!
parmaq Qapla'!
par-mach ko-plah!
Romance success!
Ha', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu'
cha, ni-teb-cha ro-oo-loosch-ngan-poo
Let's kill some Romulans
HIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY
Hee-ja DIHoH Hey gobay eh no hey
Yes Together Hey Let's go No Hey
Ha', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu'
cha, ni-teb-cha ro-oo-loosch-ngan-poo di-choch
Let's kill some Romulans
HIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY
Hee-ja DIHoH Hey gobay eh no hey
Yes Together Hey Let's go No Hey
maSwov 'ejDo parmaq nga'chuqghach je 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! Qapla'!
ma-swov edge-do par-mach ngaa-tschook-hrratsch jeh. eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh ko-plah!
Moonlight, starship, romance, and sex. Ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready. Success!
Oppan Klingon Style
Klingon Style
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Klingon Style
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op Eh eh eh eh eh eh
tlhIngan maH! Qapla'! Ha' tlhIngan maH!
Klingon mah. Ko-plah! ha' Klingon mah.
We are Klingons. Success. Let's go. We are Klingons.
Baby baby
yuQ, pIvghor, Hurgh, qIb, yuQ
Yook Piv-kor hurgh kib yook
Planet Warpdrive Pickle Galaxy Planet
tlhIngan maH! Qapla Ha' tlhIngan maH!
Klingon mah. Ko-plah ha' Klingon mah.
We are Klingons. Success. Let's go. We are Klingons.
Baby baby
yuQ, pIvghor, Hurgh, yuQ You know what I'm saying
Yook Piv-kor hurgh kib yook You know what I'm Saying
Planet Warpdrive Pickle Planet! You know what I'm saying.
Oppan Klingon Style
Eh eh eh eh eh eh
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op Eh eh eh eh eh eh
Oppan Klingon Style
словаKlingon Style
qavan raHtar. be' 'IHqu' SoH. Qapla' jay'! Ha'
Kha-vaan rach-tar. Beh ich'khoo soch ka-plaa' jaay, chaa
I salute you, woman. You are a very pretty woman. F*cking success. Let's go!
'Iw HIq Datlhutlh. SoH qalegh. Qut, Qut. QeDpIn be' je. maw'.
Eeww hreek da-tlootl. Schoch ka-lerrh. Khroot, khroot. Kedepin beh jeh. Mao.
You drink bloodwine. I see you. Dirty. Dirty. Science officer and lady. Crazy.
nughoStaH nuq? parmaq, manga'chuq. Qut Ha' maruch
nu-hrrosh-tach nook. par-maak, maa-ngaat-schook. Khroot, hraa, maa-rootsch.
What is coming toward us? Romance and sex. Dirty. Let's go. Let's do this!
qaleghneS. Qapla' jay'!. Qut Ha' maruch.
ka-lerrj-he-nes ko-plah jay khroot ha' maa-rootsch
I am honored to see you. F*cking success. Dirty. Let's go. Yes.
wa' cha' parmaq Qapla'!
wha cha par-mach ko-plah!
One two romance success
tIqwIj Sa'angnIS wa' cha' parmaq Qapla'!
tick-widge sha-ang-neesh wha cha par-mach ko-plah
I must show you my heart. One two romance success.
tachDaq maghom. tugh. tugh wa' cha' parmaq Qapla'!
TACH-dak ma-GHOM toogh. toogh wha cha par-mach ko-plah
We will meet in the cocktail lounge. Soon soon. One two romance success
parmaq Qapla'!
par-mach ko-plah
Romance success.
Ha', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu'!
cha, ni-teb-cha ro-oo-loosch-ngan-poo
Let's kill some Romulans
HIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY
Hee-ja DIHoH Hey gobay eh no hey
Yes Together Hey Let's go No Hey
Ha', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu'
cha, ni-teb-cha ro-oo-loosch-ngan-poo di-choch
Let's kill some Romulans together
HIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY
Hee-ja DIHoH Hey gobay eh no hey
Yes Together Hey Let's go No Hey
maSwov, 'ejDo, parmaq, manga'chuq, eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! Qapla'!
ma-swov. edge-do. par-mach je gna-chuck eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Ko-plah!
Moonlight, starship, romance, and sex. Ready, ready, ready, ready, ready. Success!
Oppan Klingon Style
Klingon Style
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Klingon Style
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op
Eh eh eh eh eh eh
tujqu'choH QuQ. Hljol. jIghung. Ha' maruch
Tooj-koo-chokh-kkhokk khi-JOL. jee-kun.g Ha' ma-rootsch
The engine is overheating. Beam me aboard. I'm hungry. Let's go. Let's do this!
jISey. chabDu'. ghem. 'ejyo'. Sa'Hut, qamuSHa', HIja
Jee-Say. Chab-du. ghem. Edge-yo sa-hut kam-moo-sha hee-jah
I am excited. Breasts. Midnight snack. Starfleet. Buttocks. I love you. Yes.
yIH yIlIgh, be' yIH yIlIgh. yIruch!
yiich yee-leehrr, be. yiich yee-leehrr. yee-rootsch!
Ride that tribble, lady. Ride that tribble. Do it!
wa' cha' parmaq Qapla'!
wha cha par-mach ko-plah!
One two romance success!
bIjatlh 'e' yImev. yItlhutlh! yIlop! wa'leS chaq maHegh!
bil-lath eh ill-mev ill-thulth ill-op wal-esh check ma-chkeck
Stop talking. Drink. Celebrate! Tomorrow we may die.
yItlhutlh! yIlop! Qut Qapla' jay'!. Qut Ha' Qapla'
ill-thulth ill-op khroot ko-plah jay khroot ha' ko-plah
Celebrate. Dirty. F*cking success. Dirty. Let's go. Success
yIH yIlIgh, be' yIH yIlIgh. yIruch!
yiich yee-leehrr, be. yiich yee-leehrr. yee-rootsch!
Ride that tribble, lady. Ride that tribble. Do it!
parmaq Qapla'!
par-mach ko-plah!
Romance success!
Ha', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu'
cha, ni-teb-cha ro-oo-loosch-ngan-poo
Let's kill some Romulans
HIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY
Hee-ja DIHoH Hey gobay eh no hey
Yes Together Hey Let's go No Hey
Ha', nItebHa' romuluSnganpu'
cha, ni-teb-cha ro-oo-loosch-ngan-poo di-choch
Let's kill some Romulans
HIja DIHoH HEY! ghobe' 'eH! NO HEY
Hee-ja DIHoH Hey gobay eh no hey
Yes Together Hey Let's go No Hey
maSwov 'ejDo parmaq nga'chuqghach je 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! 'eH! Qapla'!
ma-swov edge-do par-mach ngaa-tschook-hrratsch jeh. eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh ko-plah!
Moonlight, starship, romance, and sex. Ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready. Success!
Oppan Klingon Style
Klingon Style
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Klingon Style
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op Eh eh eh eh eh eh
tlhIngan maH! Qapla'! Ha' tlhIngan maH!
Klingon mah. Ko-plah! ha' Klingon mah.
We are Klingons. Success. Let's go. We are Klingons.
Baby baby
yuQ, pIvghor, Hurgh, qIb, yuQ
Yook Piv-kor hurgh kib yook
Planet Warpdrive Pickle Galaxy Planet
tlhIngan maH! Qapla Ha' tlhIngan maH!
Klingon mah. Ko-plah ha' Klingon mah.
We are Klingons. Success. Let's go. We are Klingons.
Baby baby
yuQ, pIvghor, Hurgh, yuQ You know what I'm saying
Yook Piv-kor hurgh kib yook You know what I'm Saying
Planet Warpdrive Pickle Planet! You know what I'm saying.
Oppan Klingon Style
Eh eh eh eh eh eh
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op Oppan Klingon Style
Hey Sexy Lady
Op Op Op Op Eh eh eh eh eh eh
Oppan Klingon Style
@темы: Фан-клипы